Living naturally with artful simplicity.
About the Course
Learn about the Reiki II symbols, reflect on their meanings, and understand how to use them during a healing session. You will also learn how to perform distance healing. Additionally, you will practice Reiki healing using the symbols and practice distance healing.
Class Outline
Holy Love Experience, write down and share experiences.
Learn the Reiki II symbols and contemplate their meaning, including distant and past/future healing.
Break (one hour)
Test on symbols.
Brief talk about the Placement and receive Reiki II placement.
Write about the Placement and the experiences you had and share them.
Break (10 minutes)
Practice Reiki without symbols first.
Practice Reiki with symbols and then share how each symbol felt.
Introduction to Byosen Scanning and Reiji-ho
Explain and practice a complete session using all symbols.
Practice Gyoshi-ho.
Enkaku Chiryo.
Closing meditation.