Living naturally with artful simplicity.
About the Course
Learn the fundamental teachings of Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I, including its history, guiding principles, and evolution. You will also be introduced to Gassho meditation, Placement, Byosen Scanning, and Kenyoku. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to practice Reiki.
Class Outline
Ocean of Holy Love Experience.
Reiki Talk - What is Rei-ki, what are the different levels, and how does Reiki work? What is it used for? History of Usui, Hayashi, Takata- 22 Masters. Gakkai and Japanese Reiki Techniques. Brief History of the Holy Fire®.
Reiki Ideals based on Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki.
Break (one hour).
Introduction to Gassho meditation.
Explanation of the Three Heavens.
Talk about how the Placement works and Reiki I Placement.
Write about the Placement and the experiences you had and share them.
Break (10 minutes)
Practice Reiki and share experiences.
Introduction to Byosen Scanning and Reiji-ho.
Explain and practice standard sessions for treating others.
Present and demonstrate Kenyoku.
Review of Hayashi Healing Guide.
Present Reiki documents.
Review of Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
Break (15 minutes)
Explain self-sessions.
*If the student continues the next day into Reiki II: Brief talk of Symbols.
Closing meditation.